Life + Style

Bookstore Progress

Hello readers! I went missing again. I started a new job last month and I am loving it. I also start school in a couple weeks for career advancement. Another thing I am working on is my novel but I will get more into that in another post. To put it simply, my life is getting more and more busy. With that being said I am still working on my bookstore Pages Of Brew. I am working on raising money for physical book inventory so I created a Gofundme That I would love for you to support and donate to. As stated before, The money I raise will go towards book inventory and also signage and bookstore merch. I am so excited to me creating a business that helps to amplify black voices. Until I gain the money to buy physical book inventory I decided to start a shop on Bookshop which is a platform to help promote indie bookstores. I can upload titles onto my page and everytime someone buys them from my store Pages of Brew makes a profit. So that is what I have been up to since my last post. Hope you all are living a stress free life. Until next time, stay prayed up, don’t stress and live your best life.

xoxo, Bre

Lifestyle Blogger and writer