
5 Solo Date Ideas

Hello readers! This summer I have been granted the gift of being child-free. With this type of freedom I have been afforded the opportunity to take care of myself in ways I have been having a hard time finding the time to achieve. One of those many things was taking myself on solo dates and really just spending time with myself. During this time I have been on a few solo dates and I thought I would share with you all a few dates you can take yourself on.

  1. PICNIC-My favorite was a picnic, Which I have the pictures for proof! I dressed up in the cutest feminine outfit I could find in my closet, grabbed my tan straw like bag from Lavoute (which is sold out), packed my picnic basket and my tripod and was out the door to my favorite park in my city, Big Spring Park. I pack sandwiches, a self made charcuterie board, orange juice, fruit and my new romance novel I have been reading. It was a great time to be by myself.
  2. BookClub Meeting -I few days ago I discovered a Silent Book Club chapter and decided to take myself. Without knowing anyone I packed my current read and headed over the tea shop where it was being held. It was perfect because for about 15 minutes you can socialize with fellow readers and then for the next hour you can read in silence without disturbance. It was so refreshing and I truly enjoyed myself.
  3. Museum – A few Years ago I decided to stop waiting around for a guy to invite to a museum date so I toke myself. We have an art museum in the city so I got dressed and went and it was so fun learning the art of this city and seeing want people created over the decades. Not long after I took myself I went on a date with guy and it was still a good time.
  4. Bookstore – Yes a bookstore shopping trip can be a date, whether it is by yourself or with the person you are seeing. I plan on taking this little trip after payday and shop for as long as my bank account lets me.
  5. Coffee Shop – One of my favorite things to drink is coffee so of course I am including this on my solo date list. I love to wake up to a fresh cup of coffee but what makes me even happier is waking, getting dressed and heading over to my favorite coffee shop for a fresh cup of brew in the early morning.

If you have any other ideas for solo dates please feel free to comment below!



Lifestyle Blogger and writer