Sunday Morning Routine
For a procrastinator such as myself it is hard to create a routine that I can turn into a daily habit, because of this I have started with slow Sunday morning routines to begin my week. Establishing my routine on Sunday’s give me a chance to plan and reflect on what I want to accomplish during the week. It also allows me to get out whatever negative feelings I may be carrying.
My Sunday morning’s are spent with me getting up and taking a quick shower and then making my cup of coffee. I grab my yoga mat, candles, phone and journal and set up my mood. I sit on my mat, turn on my playlist which is usually Londrelle and begin my prayers, meditation and journaling before I get my day started.
This always give me peace in my spirit that I’m craving from all my chaos. Share any of your weekly routine’s down in the comments.
xoxo, Brianna